Thursday, December 13, 2007

Quilting Bev, I mean Bee!

I have found a new way to be creative -- or at least pretend to be creative. I have dived headfirst into the land of quilting. I have friends that do it, I love the idea, I just don't know why I haven't tried it before.

A few weeks ago, I was scrapbooking with a friend and found out she does it - and does it well. She gave me some pointers and last night around 9 PM I decided it was a great time to begin -- need I say that I was up until 2 AM? I did get it ready to sew and today I have been stitching away. It is a rag quilt - so it is not really difficult - but it is fun and I do feel accomplished. Hold on folks, I may be onto something new here.

This first quilt will go to my baby girl. She won't see the mistakes, but she will love the Popsicle material I used. Maybe I will get better and soon, all of you will be receiving one!

Now, I have a high school friend and her family coming to visit tomorrow - my house is a wreck, and so am I. I need to get to cleaning... or maybe I will just lay this pretty quilt out over the dirt in my house and she won't even notice. HA !

Merry, Merry!

1 comment:

Bean Receiver said...

Hurray!! I'm so glad to see you are starting to quilt. I got addicted to it very quickly, unfortunately there aren't any good quilt stores here so I only have one project ready for me to get started on.