Thursday, January 17, 2008

Taking You Back Thursday!

Here's a new segment on Happy Moments. Every Thursday it's Take You Back Thursday!

Like Marty McFly and Huey Lewis... we're going back in time... (you're singing that now aren't you?)

And just because I love you --- here's a fun way to start it off - 1983 is our first stop!

Click Here!
It's Electric! (please don't tell my Dad I ever did this...hee hee hee!)

Now, see if you can get through the rest of this day without that song in your head! Boogie, Woogie, Woogie!


Anonymous said...

WHERE?????? Ha! Da

Laura said... that will be in my head all night! Too fun! Was that really 1983?????? Wow.
Oh--we got snow today--yea!