Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Call of the Aisle

There is nothing more joyful or no happier moment for me than finding a bargain. And finding a bargain at Target is even better.

Due to my husband's need of mouthwash and my daughter's need for more C size batteries, I had to, just had to, make a run to my favorite "everything you want and everything you need" store yesterday. I strolled the aisles and eventually found the two things I actually made the drive for and then, I heard it - the call of the clothing section, clearance racks, clearance racks, clearance racks!

My buggy just turned down the aisle itself - honest - and there I was - amidst all the cute little girl winter type clothing - 50 and 75 percent off. Holy Cow!

I am happy to report that my dear little one is now sporting three of the cutest long sleeve shirts that cost $2.24 each, one pair of jeans (with adjustable waist- glory,glory,hallelujah!) for $2.74,(I would have bought more, but they only had one in her size!) and one cute turtleneck with pretty stars for the big price of $1.12. WOW - such deals! I am so happy! It is hard to keep the sweet dear in clothing at the moment - she is growing up and up and up and is still as skinny as ever - she is also incredibly rough on jeans and pants - so getting bargains in this area is so exciting for me.

Thank you Tar-jaay! Wish I could have found some more bargains in my sizes or in housewares or DVDs - but I guess I will just have to be content in my joy of small sized clothing finds.

Happy Shopping!

Oh - and I did splurge and buy a copy of my latest new favorite movie Waitress... gosh I love that movie -- have I said that enough here -- now, if I can just find the soundtrack somewhere --- still loving that song and wanting to bake pies!

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