Friday, January 4, 2008

Well, I haven't been this proud since...well, NEVER!

Yesterday was a BIG one for our household, as I tried to dress my little one for our weekly jaunt to the grocery store, I started to put on the pull-ups and was met with such resistance I quickly put them away! Hooray! She wanted big girl pants! Yipee! We actually left the home with them on, traveled to Target, grocery store, and McD's for lunch - all pull-up free! I was so excited I took her for ice cream. We even spent the rest of the day in them and slept pull-up free for the first time. Her daddy and I could not be more proud! It is a big day and a huge milestone. Just one more reminder that the chubby cheeked little baby is quickly being replaced by a beautiful, bubbly big girl. Life is bittersweet for me today!

Now, back to taking down Christmas decorations, I promise I will finish today...maybe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have been pull-up free for 3 days now (except for nap and bedtime) and I completely understand the excitement that comes along with this. Yipeee to our girls (and their moms!!)