Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Name By Any Other Name???

My mother wanted to name me Tallaluah Volusia. Thankfully my daddy intervened. I sometimes wonder what my life would have been like with that name? Would it have changed anything... would I be the same person, have dated the same people, married the same guy? All the things that a first impression of name can affect - how would it have changed my life?

I can't say that I was always thankful for the name but on the good side, there were never two or three Beverlys in my all in all, it has served me well. In my early years through my twenties lots of people called me Bev. My husband (or at that time soon -to-be) doesn't like that nickname and so now, I usually call myself Beverly and let only close friends from long ago get away with calling me Bev. I feel most like a Beverly, but it makes me happy to hear certain friends call me Bev. I even have one friend whose name intersects with my Bev moniker in a wild way and we always have and I guess always will sign our emails and letters and cards with our names connected.... weird, but just things like this make me glad for my slightly different name.

What has brought on this topic, you ask? Well, this article about a poor child in New Zealand whose parents named her Talula Does The Hula in Hawaii. I am serious - I couldn't make that up. Poor CHILD! I sympathized immediately - especially with the Talula part -- but oh my -- what kind of parents are these that do that to a sweet little baby?

It suddenly made me very thankful for my own parents - even if they had gone with the Tallulah - it would have, never could have been as bad as ole Talula Does The Hula!!

So, QOTD (that is Question of the Day, for all you non-lingo folks!!) what were name choices your parents had in naming you... are you happy with the one they chose or do you wish they had chosen another? Leave me a comment....please!!

Living Happily Ever After,


Just me~Bobbie Jo said...

My mom was going to name me Tammy Sue but had a friend who said that wasn't what I should be named but should be Bobbie Jo! My mom's friend had a reason for that name-her boyfriend(the friend not my mom) wife had a baby girl and named her Bobbi Jo and so the friend thought that would be cool! What a crazy name story but what can you say/do. Growing up I hated my name since almost everyone thought I was a boy. But now that I am older-I like my name and am glad I was named that!

The Gang's Momma! said...

Mine is so boring: If I'd been a boy, it would have been Edward Charles III, and the other girl name they'd thought about was Kelly. How very typical and predictable for an Irish Catholic family with a red-headed baby girl. :)

I like my name - now. When I was a kid, it was no fun cuz all the other Tracy's I knew were boys. My mom liked the masculine versions of all our girl names better. And then in jr. high, I found a song called Tracy by the Cuff Links that my mom thinks was the main influence on her choice for my name. I bought the little LP and still have it :) It's a peppy, happy little song.

Unknown said...

I was supposed to be Harold Arthur, after my Mom's dad, but thankfully my Pop said "NO"! And now you know the REST of the Story!! :-)