Sunday, July 20, 2008

Soap and Water, Peace and Quiet! What I Wanted, What I Got!

I wanted peace and quiet all afternoon.

It was not to be. The dog was barking and going a bit stir crazy. My sweet Hannah was trying her best to behave, but she is three and that is difficult most afternoons. Hubby was off to work, so I had dinner to prepare, serve and clear away. There were clothes to wash, dogs to feed, stories to read and baths to give.

Baths, ah, now that is supposed to be a tranquil occasion. Tonight, however, toddler bathtime was interrupted by a thirty pound yellow ball of fur who jumped right into the tub. No warnings, no seconds to grab him - he just jumped right in. HB in the water and the water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink. Water on the walls, the floor, me, and probably the ceiling by the time it was all through. He was a soaking wet Labrador, and Hannah was thrilled with all the commotion.

At this point, the idea of peace and quiet was far from my reach.

I cleaned the mess, put the dog outside to dry, dried off Hannah and got her into bed. A few books later and she was ready to call it a night. I turned out the light and lay down beside her. Suddenly, quiet filled the air and as I lay there, cuddled up with my sweet girl, listening to her breathing slow to a deep, sleeping rhythm. I had finally found the peace and quiet I was so needing earlier in the day.

I don't know how much longer she will let me lay with her like that or how much longer she will ask me to "stay Momma, stay" when I turn out the light - but until such a time comes when she wants to me go - I will treasure those sweet moments. The peace and quiet that calms my weary Mommy aches and pains comes from snuggling a sweet, sleeping child and helping her start the midnight stroll into dreamland.

Thank you Lord for those moments. They make all the other crazy moments of the day worth it.

Living Happily Ever After,


The Gang's Momma! said...

Ha! I can just picture HB jumping in the tub - he wanted in on all the fun in the water :)

But the part about snuggling in and treasuring the moments - you got me! I can't wait to have that again. Mine are all of the ages that the snuggle time like that is rare... and forcing it doesn't make me all warm and fuzzy inside :)

Beverly said...

GANG - it was a picture not worth taking! I was too upset to even think about the camera - but in hindsight I wish I had run and gotten it! The snuggles ONLY happen at that time each night - any other time she is far too busy to be cuddled by Mom! Daddy on the other hand - gets to cuddle anytime -- she is a daddy's girl!
I am excited for you to get your girl and have these moments as well.

cjnsmom said...

Those bed time moments are the BEST and I love nothing more than holding my sweet C.J. and listening to him fall off to sleep and as I get up ,he ALWAYS says....just ONE MORE MINUTE MOM and I get back in the bed with him and end up holding him for 10 more minutes. NOTHING else matters at that point....It's the best.