Want to know about my day?
Here's a hint.
"If anyone needs me - I will be the one sitting in the middle of the floor crying!"
Just when I thought a sick child, first days back to work, badly injured finger, alarm clock didn't go off , a broken and possibly dead laptop and my three year old growing up into a four year old kind of week couldn't get any worse... I got some news that topped it all. The particulars of that news are not important, but let's just say... all I want to do is cry, stomp my feet and cry some more!
Hope you are all having a much better week than I.
(trying to) Live Happily Ever After,
Wait a minute...Hannah can't be turning FOUR!! Wasn't she just born and you were running away from a hurricane?
Sorry to hear you are having a rough day! I would say have a good cry-sometimes that is all you can do!
I know bean receiver -- can you believe that it is four years already. Coincidently, the next name due to be given a hurrican this year -- Hannah!
Thought that was really appropriate.
Hey Beverly. I'm praying that God, your comforter, will fill your heart with peace..the peace that passes all understanding. He's in control.
Hey Beverly. I'm praying that God will fill your heart with His perfect peace. He's in control. I encourage you to trust in the faithfulness of His name.
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