Friday, August 8, 2008

My Eyes Have Seen

My Eyes Have Seen:
- the early morning sun peeking through the windows
- the sweet, sleepy face of my “just woke up” daughter
- the soft brown eyes of my puppy, as he jumped up to lick me good morning
- dishes in the sink
- clutter in the house
- my husband going to work
- a lizard on the back deck
- my parents loving on my girl
- a busy street, road construction everywhere
- a somber gray hearse passing me on the left, carrying a friend to his final place.
- a fun-filled bounce house packed with happy, smiling little kid faces
- a friend from high school, now a policeman, in line at the fast food drive-thru ahead of me
- my church
- rows of sadness, in a quiet, chilly place
- a coffin decked with red roses, simple and dignified, like the earthen vessel held within it.
- a family shattered by loss, sustained by faith and pressing on to the future.

My day was filled with love and loss. I woke up in a home filled with love and laughter. My daughter made sure of that fact. The love for her sustains this family – she is our heart, our soul, our dream come true.

As I carried her to my parents, for a fun-filled grandparent day, I realized that I was brought up in just such a home as well, filled with love and laughter, security at every turn. I am so thankful for that legacy in this world of crazy unknowns.

I spent the afternoon in the pew at my church, attending the funeral of a friend, a man, only 44, who has fought for a year and half to live, to be with his wife, his children, his family and friends. He has stared death in the face numerous times this year and backed it down. But this was a man of extraordinary faith. A faith that let him know that that "nothing was better than being in God’s will, except being in His presence." ** So on Monday, he escaped this earth and the suffering he has known and flew to God’s presence.

It was a great funeral, probably one of the best I have ever been to, and yet, emotionally, one of the worst I have sat through as well. The day’s purpose was to celebrate the life and loss of someone who was just, by all our earthly standards, much to young to leave us, but more importantly to turn our focus on Christ, the sustainer of all of our lives and to booster our faith, even in troubled times. Our friend Neal preached a fine sermon with his life. He was bold and courageous and a great example to follow along behind, until we are all together once again.

My eyes saw a lot yesterday; my ears heard a lot, it seems all my senses were assaulted on some level. An emotional day and one that I am glad to have been able to participate in, even in the smallest of ways.

Living Happily Ever After,

** quote taken from Neal's notes in his Bible and read at his service.


The Gang's Momma! said...

Beautiful, beautiful post. The joys make the sorrows deeper, but the sorrows make us treasure the joys more fully. Hugs to you and yours in this hard time of letting go.

cjnsmom said...

I just happened to look at your blog last night and was in shock to read about Neals death. I have known Neal and Roger since Jr. High School and had heard from a friend that he was sick BUT had no idea it was that bad. He was always a VERY sweet person and I know that through his Faith many more will want to know Jesus like he did.
I wish I would have known but one thing I do know is that he is with Jesus and will never be in pain again....what a special person and I loved the words that you wrote about him, I'm sure he did also:)