Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Today My Hands Have Touched...

-the sleeping face of my daughter
- an egg yolk at breakfast
- a purple backpack and lunch box
- my steering wheel
- the cool door handle of Hannah’s preschool door
- a vibrating cell phone
- thick fur of my puppy
- two loads of fresh laundry
- computer keys
- the radio dial
- a book
- the piano
- sweet, wet grass in the front yard, after the rain
- my husband’s unshaven face
- socks dropped on the floor
- piles of scrap paper
- old photographs
- treasure made by my child’s hands
- fresh strawberries
- clean dishes from the dishwasher
- the remote control
- a fluffy hamster
- towels, folded and put away
- sheets while making the bed
- grains of rice
- a hot bowl of green beans
- our dishes, as I set the table
- my little girl’s wet hair in the tub
- a storybook, Sleeping Beauty for bedtime
- a light switch
-the softness of my pillow – at last!

Living Happily Ever After,


1 comment:

The Gang's Momma! said...

great post.

and the question of the day: was the egg yolk runny?
