Monday, October 6, 2008

The Green Fairy Cometh

It's almost Halloween, It's almost Halloween - Hip Hip Hooray, Hooray - It's almost Halloween!
(Sing that to the tune of The Farmer In the Dell!! Truly - it will stick in your head -ALL NIGHT LONG!!!)

No, seriously - it is almost Halloween and before anyone sends me hate mail or mean comments - I am not ashamed, I love Halloween, I am a Christian and somehow we still get to enjoy the holiday at my house. We have learned to celebrate the fun of the season, we are refusing to let the devil steal fun from our home. In fact, it is truly one of our family's favorite times of the year. My child is a Halloween freak - she loves the funny- scary stuff, candy, dressing up, the songs - all of it. We are so sad that this year we are without our beloved Fatman's. All the locals who read this will know this historic store in our town. It is no more - and we have truly enjoyed it in years past. Danny and I enjoyed it as children, and for the past three years Hannah has fallen in love with the pumpkin patch, the goofy haunted house, the boiled peanuts and the train - it makes me so sad that we can never play there again. We are in search of a new Halloween tradition - anyone local have any ideas?

All of that said, I started this post to talk about Hannah and her costume this year. She made a decision about a month ago that she wanted to be a fairy. This was a bit of a surprise, because quite frankly, she is not really a "girlie girl." The past years she has been a dog, a cat and Stephanie from Lazy Town (which is basically a cheerleader with pink hair). But she declared she wanted to be a fairy and not just a fairy - a GREEN fairy.

We went shopping last week for the costume, lest the stores be out of green fairy in the near future and quickly we found a Tinkerbell costume that fit just right. She is thrilled - it has clear wings, a green dress and a green tiara. I even bought her some "fairy dust" aka glitter so she could christen the world on Halloween.

The weekend I escaped for my Women's Retreat - my husband let her try on her costume. He even let her open the glitter and play outside in her costume. He is a man, I guess he thought this was a good idea. Anyway, something really cute did come out of his "decision" because apparently dressed in her costume, she took to riding up and down the street on her bicycle - sprinkling the "fairy dust" along the way. I wish I could have seen that - the thought of her so carefree, so excited to be a fairy and to let everyone see her - ah, the innocence of a four year old.

I truly hope she will keep that spirit alive in her soul. I hope that throughout her life she will dress in a way that makes her happy (and honors her God and parents!!), play in a way that makes her laugh and smile from the bottoms of her toes, and do all the things in life that she wants to do - not stopping to think that she can't or wondering what others will think. I hope inside she will always stay a cute four year old in a green fairy costume, riding up and down the street, laughing with delight.

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