Monday, March 14, 2011

Catching Up

Yes... I did meet the Pioneer Woman! I have been absent for a few days while sorting through some computer issues and I am hoping the birthday fairy will bring me a new laptop so I can blog more easily and in a much more timely manner!

I will post a picture tomorrow of me and my bloggity idol. It was a fun night, worth the time and effort and I am even more inspired after the event. I am hoping to crank it up a notch around here - so pay attention...there will be some changes taking place!


1 comment:

The Gang's Momma! said...

I can't wait to read all about it. To live vicariously through your visit :)

And when the birthday fairy drops a laptop by your place, can you give her the GPS coordinates for mine? Our dinosaur desktop is acting up. Yesterday, The Boss got a blue screen of death and narrowly averted an entire system crash while trying to load the Financial Peace University software. Ironic, as we were feeling anything but peace at the thought of a crashed system :)