Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Peace Garden

My daughter and I struggle for peace. She is six and a half and I am, well, considerably older. We don't really think alike, don't agree on most things, because I have strange rules like brushing teeth and no whining  and she is not keen on me most days! :-)

Thinking ahead to Spring break and the Summer to come has caused me to panic -- just a little LOT! How are we going to fill the hours, will we survive until Fall? I have woken up in cold sweats more than one night over this thought! But yesterday I awoke with a new thought.  We needed to find a project, just for us, that would be on-going, fun, fullfilling, and provide many hours of work - together, bonding time, if you will, I just had to find the right project.

I found it....

We planted a garden! 

My little farmer's helper and I are growing carrots, onions and peas. We are also hoping to have sunflowers, lettuce and some basil and oregano!  It is my strike at finding peace with my child. I am calling  it the Peace Garden and we are hoping to make vegetable soup with our very own, homegrown veggies later this year!! Now, of course, you all know my photograph to blog you will just have to trust me and wait for the pictures to be added (hopefully) someday soon!

I am claiming this verse for my garden, praying for rain and little sprouts to start spouting and hoping it will give us a peaceful place to exist and grow together as mommy and child! 

 "If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all."  Romans 12:18


1 comment:

The Gang's Momma! said...

That sounds like a great idea. And you can certainly find other great verses to memorize together like that one that will instill character in both of you.... It takes patience to successfully grow a garden and maintain it. Maybe you found a key to more than one thing goin' on in your house :) Can't wait to hear more :)