Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Where is Wonderful Wednesday?

Today was a really bad day! I rarely complain -- seriously, very rarely... but today I am COMPLAINING! IT WAS A TERRIBLY, AWFULLY, HORRIBLY DAY!

It started very good actually - I finally got a full night's sleep - I awoke, without a certain someone helping me... refreshed and excited about the day. I guess God knew I needed the rest because the rest of the day was TERRIBLE!

First, we arrived at my mother's house to build our traditional, annual gingerbread house. This year I baked the pieces (yesterday) and had everything ready to go... well, except for the very important foundation on which to build the house. We usually use a piece of cardboard - I mistakenly assumed my mom had it - she didn't so I then had to go to the store and buy something to build the gingerbread house upon. Oh.. but before that, when we got there, I discovered a side of the house was broken, so we had to repair. It was a sign of things to come, I tell ya, a sign! Once we had the foundation piece (which wound up being the top of a storage container) we started trying to build the house. Heavens, we have done this for at least 10 years, possibly more -- faithfully, every year - but this year -- it was a mess. Candy slid off the house, like a toddler sliding down a water slide, the front leaned forward and the back did too. The roof, this year made of tin would not hold the house together and candy was sailing off of it. It was such a disaster we didn't even put our treasured deer, Santa, and other treasures on it.
Here is what it looked like...
Then, after this fiasco, Hannah and I came home. I expected to walk into a house, filled with the yummy smells of Red Beans and Rice, cooked slowly in the crockpot. I had been anticipating the yumminess all day. Well, there was no wonderful smell. There was no smell at all. After all, how could there be, when I had not plugged up the crockpot! All the ingredients were sitting there -- but oh, the great cook that I am - I had not plugged the thing in. So, there I was, moments away from having to feed my poor husband dinner so he could go to work, and nothing to feed him. Luckily, I did have some things in the freezer, he did have a hot meal, just not the one I had intended.

Then, after naptime hassles with the resident three year old, I set about to clean the kitchen and put together the frozen goodies for my hubby's dinner. I emptied the garbage can, sat the bag in the garage for depositing in the outside can later, and this happened.

YEP! That is my sweet Georgia - licking her chops after devouring and destroying the trash bag. Thankfully, I caught it just it time, we were about to have garbage strewn all over our front lawn.

Now, you would think that God would have mercy upon me at this time. Surely, He wouldn't give me anything else in this day... but no, apparently He felt I could handle more because then this happened.

I GRATED MY THUMB! I was trying to grate some cheese, to liven up the frozen, thawed, microwaved chicken breast for my hubby's dinner. Somehow, gourmet that I claim to be, I grated my thumb right along with the cheddar! It is four hours later and blogger friends, it is still bleeding! Through 2 band aids even! Help!

I am scared to ask what more could happen in this day -- I still have bath time and bedtime with the three year old... who knows what will take place. And can anyone tell me how to bathe a wiggly three year old with a thumb that looks that?
Hope you have had a better day than I have!

Trying to be ...
Merry, Merry,

1 comment:

Bean Receiver said...

What a day!! I pray that tomorrow is peaceful and full of rest. Get to bed early tonight to avoid any other mishaps!