Monday, December 17, 2007


Well, I am overwhelmed. I have reached my goal of hosting 1000 visitors to my blog - before the year end. Thanks to everyone that has visited me here at my little corner of the web, and please keep coming back.

Today I was fortunate enough to participate in the BooMama Christmas Tour of Homes and it was really fun. I got to "meet" lots of interesting people from all over this nation, they visited my site and I visited them as well. The blog world is really fun, exciting and creative. I am so happy to be a part of it.

I just wanted to mark this momentous event in the life of my blog - 1000 + visitors - yipee!

I am going to celebrate by listing 10 things you may not know about me. Enjoy!

1. I enjoy reading, writing but hate 'rithmatic!
2. My favorite comfort food is meatloaf and mac-n-cheese.
3. I once won the Bible award in middle school. I think this meant I had the highest average in the class?
4. I used to play tennis - seriously - but now only for fun , and usually only once a year when I beat my husband!
5. I love to fish, but don't eat fish.
6. I have wild dreams, that sometimes I think would make great movies.
7. I love to shop - alone!
8. I tell my hairdresser to take his time, work in some clients during my appointment, just so I can stay longer at the salon - sometimes a girl just needs a break...can I get an AMEN!
9. I love to experiment with new recipes.
10. I have a few very crazy friends, I live vicariously through them!

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