Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's 5 o'clock in the morning, do you know where your blogger is?

It's 5 AM. Yes, that means that it is dark outside, the house is quiet, and now that my daughter is tucked back into bed with a sip of water and hug, I am free to do whatever I please. I believe I should be headed back to bed...no school for munchkin today, hubby is off from work, house is relatively clean (okay,that is a stretch, let's just say there are no toys on the living room floor!) and the dishes from last night are drying happily in the dishwasher. I should be in bed. But where am I? I am in the kitchen, at my table, blogging.

Hello, My Name is Beverly and I Have A Blogging Addiction.

Well, first I checked out some "friends" of mine in the blog world, like BooMama and Krissy, who, crazy enough are both in Nashville at the awards show -- so that makes me feel like - "Hey! Why am I NOT in Nashville at the awards show? Everyone is living exciting lives but me!" but then I remember that I have an exciting life, I mean who else gets to watch a caterpillar turn into a cocoon in a jar or chase the lizard who tried to escape from his jar, or get up at 5 AM to tuck a child in bed - life around here is just as exciting as oh say, meeting Steven Curtis Chapman or David Crowder. The closest we have gotten to celebrity around here is watching "Dancing With The Stars" and ohing and ahing over the pretty dresses.

I then checked out a few more of my usual blogs and found BigMama recovering from the weekend fiesta and then read about Carlos and his "unfortunate" Enterprise RentaCar experience.

All in all, it has been a great morning so far. I have traveled the blogsphere, been inspired, been excited for my "friends," commiserated about poor customer service and it is only 5:15 AM.

Looking at my blog reader, I still have about eight more bloggers to read about before the day really begins for me. I might better pace myself.

I Love BLOGGING! Not only for the experience it creates for me. The creative outlet, the forum where I can speak to the five people or so that read me on a daily basis,or the opportunities that can and hopefully with arise from writing in a public place, but also the experience of getting to read other bloggers. To see snippets of their lives and to again, fully appreciate, that we all have the same wants, desires and needs, we are all alike, even through our vast differences. Sometimes it is so comforting to read another mommyblog and find that a three year old in London is doing exactly what my American three year old is doing, both developmentally and behaviorally! It is so neat to see that there are other women, wives and mothers out there who like the same music as I do, watch the same television shows, and cook the same recipes. Makes being a stay at home mommy so much less isolating. I guess blogging as become like the old quiting bees, now, we all stay home and log on to feel connected, rather than hitching up the wagon, bringing our quilting paraphernalia and sitting around all day quiting.

So - here's a shout-out to all my "friends" in the blog world. Thanks for making my day - every day!

Now, this blogging addict is off to bed to catch a few more winks before the sun comes up!

Living Happily Ever After,

1 comment:

BerryBusyMom said...

Hello the other side of the Savannah River. I found you on FriedOkra (Megan is one of my BFFs from way back!)

I am trying out blogging, but am not very successful at writing every day (or week) - better at once a month. I am way better at reading blogs!
