Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Well, it is the close of another Mother's Day. This year marks my fourth time to officially celebrate. I am so thankful for the opportunity given to me to be a mommy and for all the blessings it has brought to my life.

I am so thankful for my own mother. She is the best example of motherhood I could ever hope to emulate. I was blessed with a Christian mom who taught me so much growing up and now as I have embarked on motherhood, she continues to teach me more everyday.

I am so thankful for my mother-in-law. She raised my husband to be the man that he is and I am so thankful for her influence in his life.

I am so thankful for my two grandmothers. Just knowing them, especially in my early formative years has been such a blessing in my life. I wish they both had stayed on this earth longer, but heaven is just that much sweeter knowing they are waiting there for us.

I am so thankful for my Aunt Nell, my second mother, she blows the theory to shreds that blood is thicker than water. It isn't. We don't share the same bloodline, but she is closer to me than anyone else who does share my biological family tree and her influence is heavy on my life.

I am so thankful for M., Hannah's birthmom,and without whom, I would never have been able to call myself a mom. I can never forget her love for my Hannah and her gift to me.

I am so thankful for all of my mommy girlfriends, for all the times we have shared as young moms finding our way. For the nights we have stayed up instant messaging our way to sanity in these crazy toddler years, I am so thankful to be on this journey with you.

So, to all the mothers I know and who have meant so much to me in my life, Happy Mother's Day. And to the women, who are sitting where I was only a few short years ago, those who want nothing more than to be a mom, but life has not given them that blessing yet, Happy Mother's Day as well. I have faith that your time will come and it will be well worth the wait. Absolutely worth the wait!

Happily Ever After,

1 comment:

The Gang's Momma! said...

Happy Mothers' Day to you too!