Thursday, May 8, 2008

Stomp the Peacock!

It was a pleasant afternoon, truly pleasant. Nice warm weather, comfortable air conditioning, quiet house, thanks to my sweet one spending time with her grandparents and then...WHAM! Suddenly, like a good afternoon nap interrupted by a telemarketer, my afternoon hit a blip!

I found this ridiculousness on the web. Click here. It got my dander up - really it did. If you are an adoptive mom- be warned -- you are about to get ticked!!

I think it is wonderful to recognize moms. Heaven knows we do an awful lot - most of it is not all that grand or exciting, but it is and can be rewarding, and in the long view of life, being a mom is really important - so I am all for celebrating the motherhood. BUT REALLY, NBC - how in this day and time, in this politically correct society do you get away with declaring a category distinction called NON-MOM moms and including adoptive moms in that category? Who is not doing their job at the National Broadcasting Center today?

As the mother of a child, not born of my body, but in my heart and soul, the mother of a child whose life was entrusted to me and my husband on the day of her birth, I am incensed, insulted, hurt and left with a kick in the gut. I AM HER MOTHER. "There is no NON-MOM MOM category in Motherhood." There is No NON-MOM category for me. There just seems to be a dire need for communication with someone in this area. I am furious!

I don't know if I have even addressed my child's adoption on this blog or not. It is a miracle for our family - she is a miracle, a gift of God and there is not a single day that goes by that I do not say a prayer of thanks for her, for her birthmother and father, and for the gift of adoption. I am proud to be her mommy. I am not ashamed of the adoption label, but that said, I don't talk about it much because it is her story. Hers alone to tell when and to whom she wants to. The only time you will ever hear me reference adoption, will be to tell my side of the story. How God used time and people in my life, to produce a miracle in 2004.

It is just so hurtful to me that a media organization can get away with calling adoptive moms non-moms and if my name and story were in that category, I would be really offended. I am really offended anyway.I have read the nominees' stories - they are some wonderful, deserving of recognition ladies, but to call them Non-Moms is a tragedy. I feel so sorry for them, that NBC has labeled them in this way, and by doing so, has labeled me and all the other adoptive moms as well.

I am trying to find a "happy moment" in this craziness, some semblance of sanity and humor to get me out of this miry pit, the only thing redeemable to me is that it has stirred up my emotions toward adoption and all the complicated pieces of the puzzle on this lazy afternoon. It has caused me to remember fondly the moment I first saw my precious daughter, the moment she was first placed in my arms, the feelings that I felt when after months of waiting, a judge declared her legally our family. It also caused me to think about her birthmother and all she went through in 2004. To remember her and how much it took to entrust that sweet little life to someone else, and to thank God once again for the opportunity to be this sweet child's mommy. I guess I should thank the nincompoop who thought up the category title and description. Thank him or her for the gentle push to remember how much Mother's Day means to me and how I never will take it for granted again.

Do you think we can switch "The Office", and "Law and Order" to another network? I really don't want to see that peacock symbol tonight!!

Thanks for letting me rant... now,back to more pleasant posts tomorrow! (I hope!)

Happily Ever After,


Kelsey S said...

WHAT? Thats insanity crazy that does not even sound right. I just sent them an e-mail how terrible. If you even love a child you are their mother or father parents come in all different shapes and sizes. Terrible!


The Gang's Momma! said...

I'm feeling terrible that I started this whole thing. I guess I didn't feel too terribly ruffled because two of those women in the category have never officially adopted the children they've mothered. I CERTAINLY agree that the mother of the meth-exposed kids should not be in a Non-Mom Mom category, but I just chalk it up to other peoples' ignorance of the issues surrounding adoption.

I agree with everything you've said here (and with my friend Kateri's comments too!). I do feel as if it's our job as REAL MOMS to educate those around us to the joy and the heart connections of adoption. For me, most of this plays out in sharing my story and in the general interactions I have while I'm living my life. I imagine that the process will be more pointed when I'm carrying my gorgeous black-eyed baby girl in my arms (please God, someday soon!) And by all means, we should be doing things like emails and word of mouth when we feel strongly like this.

I'm just so sorry I was part of the WHAM that ruined your day :(

Michael,Amy & Emma said...

I am horrified as well. I posted this on BB, and someone posted a response with a e-mail and ph # if you want to contact them.

Thanks for bringing this to everyones attention.

Kateri said...

Would you guys mind sharing the email address that you used to contact NBC? I was struggling to find the "appropriate" one yesterday which I chalk up to being so totally offended that I couldn't think straight. Thank you, Tracy, for making us aware that NBC had this contest going on and the classification they were using for adoptive mothers. If we don't voice our concerns when things like this occur we'll never see change. I know that wasn't your original intention for posting about it yesterday, but I'm still glad that you did. Oh, and it led me to this wonderful blog which I've added it to my favorites:) Thank you, God, for all of the wonderful adoptive and/or biological moms out there. Where would our children be if it weren't for Gods plan and our open hearts? We are mothers and everyone should know it. I truly hope that the mom with the meth-addicted kids sets them straight on national television (if she's given the chance.)
Happy Rainy Friday,

The Gang's Momma! said...

Thanks guys! I'm on my way to voice my concerns now. You are right, it's definitely not the right category for the mom of the meth-exposed babies. But how inspiring was that mom who moved to the orphanage in Haiti?!

And "michael, amy & emma" - I have to know, what is BB? I'm so curious! You can email me via my blog. Thanks for the info to use for contacting.

littlebluecottage said...

You know, the more I think about this stupid thing, the more I think that those words had to be written by a man. Just HAS to...

Where can we create/sign a petition?

jennifer.almer said...

My name is Jennifer, and I work with Edelman ( behalf of Teleflora’s “America’s Favorite Mom” program. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this issue.

After closer examination, Teleflora recognized how this may have been offensive to moms who have adopted children… moms who are indeed real moms in every sense of the word. This show of insensitivity was in no way intended and Teleflora offers its deepest apology. It was always Teleflora’s intent to salute and celebrate all moms.

Please know that in response the concerns expressed, Teleflora immediately changed the name of the “Non-Mom” category to “Adopting Moms,” which has already been posted on the "semi-finalist page" at

I thought you might want to know. On behalf of Teleflora, I hope you have a very happy Mother’s Day.