Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Rambling Mess to Catch You Up On Our Life...

Hi there!

I realize it has been a month and a year since I last wrote, okay - not really, but it seemed that way when I went to log to write this post, I had almost forgotten how!!!

This has been a busy week as we have tried to soak in the last bit of summer and pack lots of fun and memories into our child before she heads out to kindergarten on Monday...needless to say, we are exhausted around this house. Maybe this is God's way of preparing us for Monday, her daddy and I will be so exhausted that we will just drop her off and come home and sleep! (HA - I certainly hope not, because I have two walls that desperately need to be painted and then my painting is project will be through for a bit. )

In the midst of our trying to show our child a good time, her daddy and I took the night off from parenting duties and went out, leaving a grumpy and tired child at her grandparents! I know, we are working really hard on that Parents of The Year Award!

Every month on the first Friday night, our city hosts a downtown festival. There are games for kids, car shows, bands playing on the sidewalk and in the street, street performers, all the shops and restaurants are open;it is just a great way to have fun, walk around and enjoy an evening.

Last night it was also very hot and very crowded!

But we had a blast. We ate po-boys for dinner and then saw lots and lots of fun and interesting sights! I said it was crowded, that is a bit of an understatement...but in all that crowd, over four or five blocks, both sides of the street, I still managed to see people I know. It was amazing to me. I feel like I go for days on end some weeks without ever really connecting or seeing people, it causes my world to get small, my vision and hope gets beaten down. I am a people person, I thrive on seeing others. I can remember as a teen and young adult going to the mall meant that you would see at least someone from every area of your life, school, church, relatives, work,etc. Now, it seems as if the city we live in has exploded and I rarely see even one person I know when I venture to the mall...and I do know lots of people!

Last night it was so much fun to be out and about, the social butterfly in me felt released from the cocoon. I can't wait until next month when we can do it again!!

Living Happily in the Moment!

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