Saturday, August 8, 2009

Serendipity While We Dipped in the Pool!

Serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely unrelated.


Today, like last Saturday, Hannah and I spent the day at a neighborhood pool with a friend and her daughter. Today, unlike last Saturday, another mom and daughter team joined us. Hannah loves to swim and I love to be near the water and to soak up the sun as well, so when we accepted the invitation last week and today it was really to just enjoy the time in the sun, hang with friends and wile away yet another summer day. It turned out to be something entirely different, serendipity, if you will.

Yes, my child had a ball in the water, made friends and cried when we had to go...yes, I got to deepen my tan and enjoy the water a bit as well, but the real event for me was the camaraderie I gained in the two women I was sharing all of this pool ecstasy with. I have known both of them for quite awhile and S, the generous owner of the pool membership, has become quite a close friend over the past few years. We have daughters the same age, we think alike, are married to similar type men and we enjoy going out and enjoying life. The other mom, J, I have known equally as long, however, we have not had an opportunity to connect on more than a surface level...until today. She is a "soul" sister as well and the three of us had a blast chatting and eating and laughing around the poolside.

It was serendipity at its finest...

Living Happily in the Moment!

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