Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Streets of Philadelphia!

Last Monday we were walking the streets of Philly!
Here is a little photo peek at what we saw...

Hannah in front of a really cool cardboard city display!!

Ben Franklin's Grave

Hannah at Betsy Ross's house...that is a story teller in the background...he make things out of animal horns!

Flag flying at Betsy Ross's pretty!

You didn't think my child would go to Philly and not find a dog to pet, did you?  This was a seeing eye dog -- so sweet!

Hannah helping the Duck Boat Captain steer on the Delaware River.

Steeple of Christ Church - we never actually found it to visit - but we saw the steeple from our Duck Tour.

Ben Franklin's post office, book bindery and house.

This was the room where a little something called the Declaration of Independence was signed!

Posing at Congress Hall, where our cousin George was inaugarated as the 1st Pres of the US

The ruins of George's house in front of Independence Hall.

Waiting on the Train!!!

We loved Philly!!

1 comment:

The Gang's Momma! said...

Great pics, girl! So glad you had a good time. And so glad you aren't out walking the sites today - it's BRUTAL here. More brutal in the city, with all that black pavement. And I daresay it's almost as hot as your beloved South, given the ridiculous humidity with no sign of rain in the offing. Ugh.