Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Not too many days ago we celebrated Dr. Seuss at my little preschool workplace. It was great fun, lots of chances to play dress up (I will spare you the pictures of me dressed as Cat in the Hat!)  and lots of fun preschool activites and art projects.

One of the highlights of each work day is that we get the opportunity to meet in the hallway for devotion and prayer with our teachers. Dr. Seuss week was no exception - and our devotions that week all centered around a Dr. Seuss quote for each day with a parallel scripture. It was a fun challenge trying to match the two and coming up with a devotion thought. I decided to share some here on the blog-so - wherever and whenever you are reading this...just pretend it is Dr. Seuss week and picture me with a tall, red and white striped hat and red bow tie!

Our quote for the day...UNLESS!  Now, just think what a challenge this was to match with a verse! And no fair using a Bible app.

Here is what I came up with  - Psalms 127:1 - "Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain"

It was a top of the head moment,and the devotional thought as applied was simply this...we should do all to the glory of God.,every day, all our work and efforts centered around Him or we might as well not do anything. If God is not involved - all is worthless endeavor.  That goes for teaching a preschool class of three yea olds, running an office, keeping house, washing the dog, making breakfast, helping with homework, working in a ministry at church, paying the bills, and yes even building a house! God has to be in the center, so we can be in the center of His will for our lives...it is a simple thought - but a big one! It is hard to remember, even harder to live out most days,but oh, so worth it when you see the result of His hand in the details of your life.

Here is your Tuesday challenge...live the UNLESS! Put it into practice in your day today - live each moment knowing that UNLESS God is involved in your thoughts and actions  - you might as well just stop, go home, get in bed and pull the covers over your head...UNLESS!

Living happily in the moment!

@copyright 2013, BRW


The Gang's Momma! said...

YAY! You're back :) Love the post on The Word - it's been a similar experience here for me, too. Especially as of late.

Happy Belated to Dr. Suess :)

Beth Cornelison said...

So your Dad was a preacher? I see the apple didn't fall far from the tree! A great message to take into the day! So glad to see you blogging again. Have a great day, Bev.

Beverly said...

Thanks Beth! Yes - Daddy is a preacher! Have a great day!!