Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Better Late Than Never Bloomer

I've been through a lot.

This time last year I never would have believed I would be sitting here in my home, a widow with a teenage girl to raise. But here I am.

The things of last year (and the grief of it all) should have broken me. Could have broken me. Would have broken me. BUT GOD.  He held me together, duct-taped me together, slowly started removing the duct tape and adding in some glue, and although I am not completely healed up and made new from all the trauma...I am so much better. I can actually smile and laugh. I can relax and sleep at night (most nights), I am moving forward in every area of my life.

I will still always speak of the story - I'm always going to want to help anyone who is dealing with mental illness and substance abuse disorder. I am always going to want to bring purpose from the pain. But I am moving forward. I feel it.

This morning, I walked by this peace lily plant in my sunroom. It is one of the ones someone sent when Danny died. I got a whole bunch -- I'm committed to keeping them alive. This one, for some reason is the favorite of all my cats.  They love to sit in it, eat its leaves, drink its water...try and destroy it every chance they get. The other plants in the house are spared their claws and teeth. They are all pretty and green and growing. But this raggedy one, its the one I expect to throw away first.

I looked at it this morning and just had to snap this picture. 
Do you see it? Amongst all the crinkled and torn leaves. A bud. A flower bud. Unbelievable. This is the plant that has taken the so much abuse over the last 9 months and yet, it is the only one in this house that has a flower coming out. Oh... and take a look at this picture...

You see that... it's a 2nd bud!  

The plant that has been tattered and torn, used and abused, treated unfairly and unkindly... blooming! 

I 'm that plant. I will bloom again. I will live life fully again. All the abuse and mistreatment and hurt has made me stronger, more deeply rooted in the Lord, ready to stand up and bloom out... that's me... watch and see. 

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV)

Living Happily in the Moment! 

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